LAW/LAWE | Logical Absolute Wisdom / Logical Absolute Wisdom Evolved |
CONTRL | Central Orbiting Tracking Relay-Logic |
AADM | Auto Assignable Destructive Machine |
SIMM | Strategic Intelligent Machine Mind |
SHIO | Strategic Habitat Interstellar Observer |
RASH | Remote Assignable Strategic Hunter |
DASH | Deadly Assignable Strategic Hunter |
OMIT | Orbiting Mini Intelligence Troll |
DAMP | Devious Assignable Media Peeker |
ADP | Advanced Data Probe |
SPIT | Special Parameter Information Troll |
DIAPR | Devious Interstellar Assignable Probe Robot |
CRAP | Calculating Remote Analog Probe |
PRAC | Practical Remote Activity Catalogue |
FOOP | Forward Operational Observer Patrol |
WARBOSI | Wide Area Remote Battle Oriented Surveillance Intelligence |
UNDI | Utility Nano Destructive Intelligence |
PART | Primary Action Robot Tracer |
GORD | General Organizational Repeater Data |
ICU | Interpretive Calculation Unit |
SCAM | Strategic Circulation Armed Machine |
FAKE | Forward Advanced Killer Enhanced |
DPNDS | Dual Purpose Nano Defense Scout |
SCUM | Service Containment Utility Machine |
APOO | Advanced Perimeter Orbital Observer |
A systematic attempt* to explain the human condition and the external pressures associated with internal abilities to find a solution to being PO’d when ideas, conversations and thoughts abandon you.
A narrative using big words, dubious mathematics, and semi-useful concepts and self-described feelings.
*Not an exact science. The descriptions, equations and information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition, malady (real or imagined), or disease, nor is it approved by Health Canada, any Physician or other health care professional. User discretion is strongly advised.
© Rob Adams
2014 - 2023
It would seem at first glance that the knowledge gathered from published periodicals, DIY books, observations, and conversations cannot be fully categorized. Being PO’d is a personal experience of subjective rationalization based on the conditions at the time, the source of the condition, length of exposure to the condition, and the limit to which an individual continues to be PO’d.
Mathematical equations may be a useful tool to describe an internal justification (J) of the condition (C), the source (S), the length of exposure (E) and the limit (L). The matrixA of numbers for each expression is based on a familiar BOKB described as Frequency (F), Probability (P) and Severity (Se).
To understand the definitions, Epistmeoffology can be described as the study of knowledge and justified belief concerned with the following questions:
1. What are the sources?
2. What are the conditions of the source of being PO’d?
3. What are the structures and the extent of the limits?
As a study of a self-described belief, Epistmeoffology can help to understand the justification of the PO’d condition.
PO’d: not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure; writer’s block; the feeling of having been slighted; managing unplanned events of self-imagined consequential failure etc.
Justification: the irrational thought process that analyses the condition or sources.
Limit: how far and how long you justify being PO’d.
Condition: an existing or future or uncertain event expressed or implied upon the happening of which, certain rights or obligations will be enlarged, created, or destroyed.
Structure: something made up of a number of parts; the arrangement and interrelationship of such parts are held together in a particular way
Source: the point at which something manifests, causes, creates, or initiates issues, or originates the feeling of being PO’d.
There are many conditions that the following equations cannot describe as a term of reference. Conditions such as unfinished tasks, grumpiness1, mechanical failures, weather and stress are found to be in most individual’s daily life. People must determine a respective “let it slide” attitude or dismiss issues that are inconsequential to accept a measure of satisfaction2. How we deal with our Limit can be characterized by our ability to understand Aristotole’s3 quote on the seven conditions of personal well-being.
The following list is not intended to be exhaustive and is used as a guideline to help the user complete the equations.
o Failure of an alarm clock. (The entity has its own agenda)
o Failure of the coffee vendor to get your order correct.
o Editor wants another chapter by 5:00 (How rude on Friday before long weekend)
o A declined invitation from the object of desire.
o Noisy party neighbours. (Don’t they realize I have a deadline)
o Rain on the Monday long weekend.
o Underwear adjustment. (Nobody will notice)
o Dunlap’s disease4 or Muffin top syndrome.5 (Gym membership=$$)
o Frequent Flyer Rewards. (What do you mean taxes/fees are extra?)
The structure of Epistmeoffology is such that everything is theoretical by nature. Occasionally we encounter a situation wherein we attempt to manage wildly fluctuating parameters; although those things that PO us may be uncomfortable, we nevertheless allow them to fester. Our day runs smoothly until one teeny tiny little thing hits the magic combination that breaks the bonds of our particular source/condition to exceed our limit. Occasionally referred to as SHTF!
We might describe this in the original Latin @“semper in excretia sumus solim profundum variat.” While we harbor the illusion that we can go with the flow, or living the dream, we usually get caught in the wagon rut at the bottom of the valley.
We can express limits as “extreme limit” or “great supreme absolute” that constitutes the source and life force with certain restrictions. An expression of limit might be: You are free to do or think what your want – within limits, of course. You must try to keep behaviour within the norm.
When applied through Epistmeoffology, internal limits combine the Source and Structure of the external forces that tend to fray nerves, cause intense brain fibrillation, and generally degrade our outward personality ( Personal Armour ), and therefore we justify our ability to limit decisions by wearing a different hat (Virtual apparel ) and subsequently shift our decisions on our expression of being PO’d.
Attempted external interventions are generally unwelcome, as the state of PO varies with time. We soon discover that we strengthen personal armour in our ability to interact civilly with our peers. The individual (Personal Armour intact) who offers “applied counter-measures” to someone nearing their upper “J” is likely to be a receptor of ungentlemanly or unladylike behaviour6.
1. Justification
In the psychology and logic of Epistmeoffology, Justification (aka excuses) is an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviours or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior.
Making excuses encourages irrational, unacceptable behaviour, motives, and feelings and often involves hypothesizing (what if and yeah but), and a quick hat or armour change. This process ranges from fully conscious (presenting an external defense against ridicule) to mostly subconscious (creating an internal block <transfer of armour>) to internal feelings of guilt.
2. Conclusion
As suggested in the overview, the author’s condition is a set of variables wrapped in feelings known only to the individual (internal/virtual armour). Most everyone has experienced a “J” approaching a critical mass reaction.
Exothermic7 reactions are generally characterized as extra-vocal8 declarations and facial expressions of immense rage, unrefined disposition, and low personal charisma. While these traits (armour under) may not be evident by normal charm, individuals can display a range of emotions that can impact your own “J”.
Endothermic9 reactions are more subtle in nature, whereby the trained observer may perceive sub-vocalizations10, laser-beam eye engagement, and the manifestation of looking for that safe and dark place (deep in the armour psyche) set aside for pressure relief. (Note, I experimented at 500M underground with the lights off) to gather empirical data. (Satisfaction is not guaranteed).
People (writers and authors) justify various reasons that may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behaviour or feeling in questions. It sometimes occurs when we think we know ourselves better (incorrect application of armour under and virtual hat) than we do. It is a fallacy of reasoning involving armour & hats.
Justification by committing a socially undesirable action, for which peer punishment would be inappropriate because of an extenuating personal inadequacy, such as lacking the ability to control their own conduct, tends to diminish the individual’s respectability, causing a further donning of virtual armour.
The concept of justification, ergo Epistmeoffology is an idea or notion that corresponds to some class of entities11 and consists of the conjunction of all the features of something theoretical, or directly intuitive, created as an exercise to demonstrate the justification of the individual (visible armour/visible hats), and is not intended for mass understanding.
Determining limits. A dubious arithmetic scale solve for “J”
Scientific notations
C = (FxP)
F = Occurrences (not more than 5) Frequency
P = Occurrences (not more than 6) Probability
E = Exposure (from 1 – 8 hours)
L = Limit (Endurance) (from 1 – 8)
Se= Severity (maximum 6)
The Equation J = (C+Se) + (E x L)
Example calculations
#1 J = ((1x1) +1) + (2x2) J = 2 + 4 = 8
#2 J + ((5x4) + 6) + (8x7) J = 26 + 56 = 82
#3 J = ((5x6) +6) + (8x8) J = 36 + 64 = 100
Interpreting the Equation
For a J of less than 10 Normal everyday routine. Suck it up
For a J of 10 – 40 Identify the source and have words
For a J of 41 – 85 Find that safe place. Let go til Se decreases
For a J of 86 to 100 Not a good time to play with others
Appendices and Footnotes
A Matrices equal a mathematical representation of feelings (armour under).
B. Body of Knowledge.
1. Grumpiness can be a combination of the infantile idiosyncrasies of the male psyche.
2. Mick Jagger couldn’t get any. (Not substantiated)
3. The 7 Conditions: Chance, Nature, Compulsion, Habit, Reason, Passion, Desire
4. Your belly “Dunlap” over your belt.
5. You have one and it won’t go away.
6. Ungentlemanly or Unladylike behaviour may range from expressing socially unacceptable words at a high-decibel output level; associated messages describing directions for impossible human appendage interaction; or engaging in verbal or physical displays of displeasure. (See Sub vocalization)
7. Exothermic reactions are those for which an explosive mixture gets loose and untidy.
8. Extra-vocal expressions using your outdoor voice indoors.
9. Endothermic reactions are those for which an explosive mixture is generally contained but may lead to the exothermic stage as the E and L are raised.
10. Sub vocalizations are those subtle lip movements of a flavour whereby the object of displeasure understands the message without actually hearing the words, and most often accompanied by a rude display of a raised digit or head shaking.
11. Entities are generally defined as capable of a logical process. Definitions may include mechanical and electronic devices. (eg: Exiting your 10,000 word essay without saving).
Reference and Bibliography
Man-Moon Newfie, Tom Connors (1936 – 2013)
Uncertainty Principle. You can’t get there from here. Attributed to Heisenberg, W (January 1919)
Ethics. Sources of intervention techniques. Author unknown
Communications Theory. The systems bible 3rd Ed, John Gall, Systemantics Press, NY. 2002
Rodeo Song, Showdown Band with Gary Lee, Gaye Delorme (1947-2011)
You’re number one. The horseless carriage handbook. Circa 1898
“Mine, Mine, Mine.” The Seagulls. Finding Nemo© Walt Disney/Pixar. 2003
@“Semper in excretia sumus solim profundum variat”. (Always in the poop, only the depth varies)